BYS: Setting goals
Tuesday, 04/02/2025 & Thursday 06/02/2025
17:30 - 19:00, Zoom
This week on Boost Your Speaking, we will:
set goals for our developing our English and share ideas on how to achieve them,
plan our dream English language course,
explore some useful vocabulary for talking about languages and study,
and learn how to correctly pronounce (=say) some challenging words!
Sign up here:
BYS: Say it another way
Tuesday, 11/02/2025 & Thursday 13/02/2025
17:30 - 19:00, Zoom
This week on Boost Your Speaking, we will:
discuss what to do when we forget a word in English,
learn to explain what we mean in different ways,
explore words and phrases for describing things, places and problems,
talk about our favourite supermarkets and settle the Lidl vs Biedronka debate once and for all!
Sign up here:
BYS: Climbing the mountain (can you say these words right?)
Tuesday, 18/02/2025 & Thursday 20/02/2025
17:30 - 19:00, Zoom
This week on Boost Your Speaking, we will:
find out the correct pronunciation (= wymowa) of words that many people say wrong (do you?),
learn how to use rhyme, silent letters and online dictionaries to help us sound clearer and more correct,
chat about walks in nature, and about the bad things that happen to your fingers when it’s cold,
discuss and plan a trip to the mountains.
Sign up here:
BYS: I’m sick of the cold (learn to complain in English!)
Tuesday, 25/02/2025 & Thursday 27/02/2025
17:30 - 19:00, Zoom
This week on Boost Your Speaking, we will:
learn phrases and expressions for when we’re tired, annoyed or impatient,
discuss the role that complaining plays in small talk, and why it’s important,
experiment with using the correct intonation to sound more natural when we complain, and when we listen to others complaining,
and, of course, do lots of complaining: about the weather, about work, about traffic… fun!
Sign up here: