Make learning English part of your lifestyle
Ciągle powtarzam, że wezmę się wreszcie za swój angielski, ale jakoś nigdy nie mogę się zorganizować…
Czuję, że od dawna stoję w miejscu z angielskim, a może nawet się cofam. Chciałabym podnieść poziom, ale trudno jest się zmotywować, kiedy mam tyle innych rzeczy do zrobienia…
Chcę popracować nad angielskim, ale nie mogę zadeklarować się, że będę uczęszczać na kurs tego samego dnia w każdym tygodniu. Mój grafik jest czasem nieprzewidywalny, więc trudno mi zachować ciągłość nauki…
Wiem, że dużo rozumiem i pamiętam, ale kiedy sam muszę coś powiedzieć, używam ciągle tych samych słów i zapominam najprostszej gramatyki…
Chcę skupić się na tym, żeby brzmieć pewnie i przejrzyście, ale wiem, że potrzebuję też poszerzać słownictwo i gramatykę… tylko niekoniecznie dobrze wspominam te elementy nauki ze szkoły.
Have you had any of the thoughts above? Then I’ve got the perfect class for you!
Boost Your Speaking
Have you made any New Year resolutions for 2025? Here’s how Boost Your Speaking can help!
Answers to your questions
First, in a small group, we introduce the topic of the lesson and discuss it together. I share a link to an online document where you can find all the notes, vocabulary and tasks we’ll be working with.
Then, we split into breakout rooms and work through the lesson’s tasks in pairs. We use interactive materials to explore new vocabulary and notice interesting things about how English is spoken. Then, you and your partner talk and talk and talk!
Finally, we come back together. I point out interesting words and phrases, correct a few key mistakes, and explain any language problems that you had during your conversation.
As an adult with lots of responsibilities (and, hopefully, hobbies!), you can’t always dedicate lots of time to studying English. The idea behind Boost Your Speaking is that you can come to all the classes and do lots of work on your own—or you can only come sometimes, and never do any work on your own. It is completely your own choice.
After every session, I will share additional materials for you to look at. They might be texts to read or videos to watch, exercises to complete, or interactive materials to explore. You can look at some of it after class, or all of it two months later, or none of it ever!
The short answer is: yes and no.
I have designed this course to make sure that you can join any time, or come back after a break, and still learn lots from the session you come to. Every time we meet, there is a new topic, with new ideas to explore.
However, if you join the class regularly, you will start to see some connections: some words will come back, new topics will give you the chance to use what you learnt a few weeks back, and the mistakes you make will form the basis of future lessons.
I will do my best to provide you with interesting and worthwhile materials, lots of tips on how to improve, feedback and opportunities to practise… The rest is up to you.
If you come to class every week and work through all the additional materials, you will improve more quickly. If you only come sometimes and don’t do any work at home, you will improve more slowly…
But slow improvement is still improvement! Not everyone has to learn at the same rate. And once you’ve started coming to class and improving just a little bit, you might find you are better motivated to start doing more.
Boost Your Speaking is designed for everyone who is able to speak some English and understand more English; who wants to speak better and more confidently, and find the motivation to keep improving.
If your English is around B1-B2 level, you will probably find the class the most helpful. If you’re a higher level student who struggles with speaking, you will also learn a lot with us.
Lower level students might find the class a little too difficult to follow. But if you can understand more-or-less everything on this page (even if a few words are difficult!), you should be fine.
If you’re not sure if the class is right for you, get in touch with me! We can meet for a short online chat (for free!) and decide together.
It’s definitely not just conversation — otherwise, what’s the point of me, a qualified teacher, even being there? ;)
In every session, I will introduce you to some new vocabulary at the beginning. Then, at the end of the session, I will give you more words (and some grammar!) based on what I heard you speak about. This way, you know you’re learning exactly the things you need.
We will also spend some time talking about pronunciation — how to say words and sentences correctly. This will help you sound clearer and more confident, and it will help you improve your listening, too.
Do you have any other questions? Email me at or message me on social media. You can also book a free Zoom call to chat about the course.
(and don’t worry — you can definitely message me in Polish!)
Ready to join the class?
You can book and pay for the class through the online booking system Fitssey. Have a look at the payment options you have below.
When you book, you will be asked to create an account on Fitssey with an email address. If you have a Gmail account, please use your Gmail address here: it makes it easier to share materials with you through Google.
Once you’ve booked the class, you will see a link to our Zoom meeting. I will also send this to you just before the class. Please download the Zoom app in advance and join from a computer if you can: you may have issues accessing the online materials if you connect with your phone or a tablet.
Just before the session starts, I will use your email address to give you access to the online materials for the lesson. All materials are linked in the session notes on this website: click here to find your session.
Not quite sure yet?
If you’re not ready to join Boost Your Speaking right now, here are some other things you can do!
Who am I?
I’m Julia Lewandowska!
Moim pierwszym nauczycielskim wyzwaniem było zaplanowanie i przeprowadzenie kursu angielskiego dla mojej Babci. Niestety, w wieku lat ośmiu nie wiedziałam jeszcze zbyt wiele o metodyce, i poniosłam klęskę już na kolorach.
Od tego czasu pracuję nad warsztatem i wiem już, jakie popełniłam błędy. Dzisiaj szczególnie zwracam uwagę na pokazywanie moim uczniom, jak efektywnie rozwijać swoje umiejętności językowe, budować motywację i zainteresowanie różnymi aspektami języka, a także nabywać autonomii w procesie nauczania.
W wolnym czasie lubię czytać, chodzić do kina, podróżować i układać pasjansa. Zawsze szukam też fajnych miejsc do pracy przy kawie, i chętnie przyjmę polecajki, szczególnie warszawskie.
W wieku 20 lat otrzymałam certyfikat Cambridge C2 (CPE). O tym, jak się przygotowałam, możesz poczytać tutaj.
Zanim zajęłam się nauczaniem, studiowałam Film and TV Production na University of York. Mieszkałam także w Londynie, więc jeśli szukasz porady, co warto zobaczyć w UK, uderzaj śmiało!
Przygotowuję się do ostatniego z trzech etapów certyfikacji Cambridge DELTA dla doświadczonych nauczycieli angielskiego.
Keeping New Year resolutions is hard… I hope this calendar will help you keep at least one.
Inside, you’ll find weekly tasks to develop your English and inspire you to keep going. Click here to find out more and get your own free copy!
Learn with me
If you’d like to learn with me, you should definitely sign up for Boost Your Speaking! I am super excited about this course and can’t wait to get started on February 4th. Check out the topics we’ll be discussing this month.
If Boost Your Speaking doesn’t sound like what you’re looking for right now, sign up for my newsletter — you’ll be the first to know about any new courses or events that I organise.
I no longer accept new one-to-one students, but if you have specific goals in English and you’d like to know how I can help you, I’ll be very happy to chat with you. You can book a free 20-min Zoom call here.